October Family Scripture Study...The Creation, The Fall, The Atonement.
Last month, September, we finally got our 45' semi trailer unpacked. There was stuff in there that we had not seen for a good 18 months +...so we were all like little kids at Christmas time. One box I was so eagert o get out was our box of church books. I never thought this semi trailer would be packed for soooo long! So, I found this book that we had bought before we left Henderson. It is an entire year of family scripture made fun for the entire family! Now...this is something that we really need...something fun! My kids get so bored...as do most younger kids do. So... I got this book out an immediatly flipped to September. Well, August and September was combined so went on to October. Within a couble of days I had this all put together :) We have really enjoyed it.
So, There are 31 leaves, one for each day for the month of October. |
Each leaf has a scripture on it pertaining to The Creation, The Fall, and The Atonement. |
After each scripture is read then we determine which pile that scripture goes in and stick it on there :) |
I cut the tree out on my Cricut using the "Stretch Your Imagination" Cartridge. The leaves I just printed out of the book and cut them all out. I always laminate everything! If I spend more than 10 minutes working on something, then it needs to be laminated to use again and again.
We alternate these with our BOM stories, only because each child (the older ones), each like to choose their own leaves :) It has been fun :)
One the backside of this poster I have the Turkey that is ready for November :)
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